Evil is as Evil does, or something like that. With Codemasters' new Overlord game coming this Summer, it looks like they are going to give us all the chance to put that age old adage to the test. At least it looks that way from the new Game Developers vlog that Codemasters just placed out there, with some fun looking screen shots from the game. All of which are below.
They are quick to point out that they don't think that the first game allowed for you to be as evil as many wanted to be in the game, so they added a new system to the game to make that available. From the sounds of it there are two major ways to do this Evil they speak of. At least from this video. You can either enslave the world or destroy the world. Well the inhabitants at least and not the whole world. That would kind of end the game to destroy everything. But in any instance, sounds like they are going to try and give you a meter to let you know where you stand on the Evil scale for each.
Another thing they are quick to point out is the use of minions and how to claim them. Also the fact that they will be needed to drive the start of the game. At least I think it would be the start of the game as you are playing the spawn of the last Overlord and his mistress called the Overlad. It would seem that these minions are all about getting you prepped for the big day when you reclaim the title of your father that has been banished away.
For those of you who couldn't give to licks of a Minotaur's flanks about the design of the game play, it does have some footage for you to see how the game will look and play. Including a shot of the Overlord and minions about to club a baby seal. Oh, and a spider monster for good measure. Good times.