Stat Tracking For The Ages

For a while since launch, PS3 owners had been waiting to get the Achievement Trophy system to show off how awesome they are. Allowing friends and other users of said PS3 to check them out and even compare. It was a long time waiting for them and being jealous of the XBox for having their system going. But there was much rejoicing when they came. But they didn't come in a way to show off everything online on say the pwned your favorite gaming forums. There were basic ones built, but nothing that made it easy or reliable. That is until tomorrow.

Sony just announced today, via their blog, that they are ready to roll out the first wave of website updates. This one being the ability to log onto your PlayStation Network account through their site and view all of the Trophies that you have earned so far and all the details behind them. This will go live starting tomorrow. But there are further ideas that are in the works so we can look forward as well.

Oh, and here is the video of what I was talking about.

Check It Out