We all know that MMOs need to have good missions to keep players coming back and interested in the game. Without them, what is the point of even playing. Outside Socializing and building characters and grinding out levels and being part of the in crowd. Well there really isn't a reason outside of those and the designers really understand this well over there at Sony Online Entertainment and DC. They realize it very well as the below video displays.
This video shows how each side of the game, Hero or Villain, will take on one of the more iconic storylines of the DC world. Superman vs. Doomsday. Granted it isn't exactly the same as the comic when Doomsday killed Superman, but kind of a rematch where Sups gets help from you and/or your team. Or you can go the evil route and help Lex capture Doomsday to use him to actually kill Superman. Including everything up to Solo work to hard core PvP between heroes and villains. All of that wrapped up in a very impressive interpretation of Metropolis and an awesome Doomsday model. Totally check this out. It will get you pumped way up for this game.