Yes, you read that title right, if you read it that is. EA and Spicy Horse are working on a new Alice game to follow up the awesomeness of the 2000 game of the same title. Alice for those that got confused with the round about talk there.
Little else has been brought up about this title other than just the announcement and how excited American McGee is to be working on a follow up to the twisted view of Alice in Wonderland. Well outside of the announcement that it will be produced for PCs, PS3s, and XBoxes instead of just PCs like the first go around. I am kind of curious if they are going to use the Unreal Engine for this game like they did for the last game produced Grim. It would make sense, but who knows. At least it will be on multiple platforms this time around. I'll keep you informed as new info comes in.
Here's the announcement.
"This new project is a dream come true for me and the fans who've kept the Alice flame alive," said American McGee, senior creative director at Spicy Horse. "EA gave us creative latitude and support on the original game which resulted in something beautiful and daring. This trip through the looking glass promises to be even more exciting."
"EA Partners is thrilled to team up with American McGee and Spicy Horse on the next installment of the Alice franchise," said David DeMartini, senior vice president and general manager of EA Partners. "American McGee's interpretation of Alice was an instant classic, and EA Partners is ready to help him bring his innovative vision for the franchise to even darker, more exciting places."
Spicy Horse was represented in the deal by CAA and Weissman Wolff.
For more information, please visit EA's press Web site at http://info.ea.com or Spicy Horse's Web site at http://spicyhorse.com.
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