![Little Nightmares II Is Bringing Us Some Halloween Fun Now](/assets/1603476659-1603476657-littlenightmaresiihalloweensm.jpg)
Little Nightmares
A new look at Little Nightmares II is here to offer up some Halloween fun in the way only Little Nightmares could do
Little Nightmares II feels like a game we should be experiencing over the Halloween weekend but sadly, we will not be seeing it until February 11th of next year. It feels like a hard pill to swallow, but it is something that I am sure will let Tarsier Studios give us a better game in the end. That said, we are not going to be completely left out of the fun for Little Nightmares II and the holiday this year as we have a new trailer to take in that highlights quite a bit of the horror-themed items in the game here. Also a bit on how the duo will be functioning in the game's world when all is said and done.
Unlike the other video we have seen for Little Nightmares II already, there does not seem to be a rhyme or reason to the events we have to see here. So be ready to see a whole lot of small sections from throughout the game all mashed together here. Thankfully, it does look like we have quite a few new enemies and obstacles to see here in the Little Nightmares universe that will certainly be the thing of nightmares when we get to experience them. Some are just outright eye-wash inducing in terms of wanting to scrub from our memories even with the short segments we get to see them here. Have a look and see just what I am talking about if you have not already jumped down to the video.
Little Nightmares II — Halloween
Halloween is coming up soon, and we've got quite the treat, children. It's another look at the frights waiting for you next year, including a new face to add to your bad dreams. The Doctor will see you in Little Nightmares II, available for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on February 11, 2021.
Are you still bummed out that we will not be seeing Little Nightmares II this Halloween or do you believe it will be worth the wait? Do you agree with our thoughts on the new enemies we have to see here or do you need something darker to stimulate your mind? Do you like how the environment looks to be more destructive as we move through or will that add too much of a challenge for you to enjoy? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Little Nightmares II, you know we will have it all here. Just be sure to keep checking in here for all of that and much more.