New gameplay for Amnesia: Rebirth is out there just ahead of when we will all be able to play Amnesia: Rebirth for ourselves
October 20th is not that far away at this point and many out there want to see what fun the horror games will have this month, with one of them being Amnesia: Rebirth. You know, that fun little game we heard about from Frictional Games a while back and have been teased for since March. Well, it looks like just ahead of the launch we have our first real look at how grim some of the gameplay in Amnesia: Rebirth is going to be. Albeit in an early form of the final project, but it is still something. It also does not fail to give off those perfect horror vibes we all need for Halloween here too.
It is a bit odd that we would be getting an early gameplay look for Amnesia: Rebirth right now and not something closer to the final product, but I will not scoff at it all. The models and textures do look a bit unpolished here, but that does not detract from the true horror feel that the game is giving off here. Sure, there is some gore mixed in, but there is a nice bit of suspense that can be felt in this video that I hope translates over into the actual gameplay. Not only that, but I also like the fact that the "puzzle" solving we are presented here in Amnesia: Rebirth is more in line with something that could happen in the real world. We need a shell to blow a hole in a wall, so we need to find the items to actually make the shell and not just find one behind a magically locked door that is rigged with a grenade.
Amnesia: Rebirth — Gameplay Reveal
Amnesia: Rebirth is a harrowing journey through desolation and despair, exploring the limits of human resilience. Coming to Steam, GOG, Epic Game Store and PS4 on 20th of October.
Are you pumped up for Amnesia: Rebirth after seeing this gameplay or are you worried about how the textures look at this point too? Do you like the suspense built here in the video and will it translate better into the final game? What do you think about the puzzle-solving that we have here and will that work out just as expected too? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more to share for Amnesia: Rebirth, we will have it all here. Just be sure to come back to the site to see all of that and much more.