Resident Evil
A new let’s play for Resident Evil Resistance is here to show off how this new 4v1 Resident Evil game will flow when it launches later this week
Many of us have had a chance to give Resident Evil Resistance a go over the past few weeks. More on the Xbox One and PC side of things as the PS4 version had a few setbacks that Capcom had to iron out. I know I was in the category that missed a bit of that so far, but thankfully we have some new gameplay to get us all going before Resident Evil 3 drops on April 3rd here. This is a free "extra game" added in there for us to play a four versus one asymmetrical multiplayer thing. Quite a bit like others in the past, but given all of the remake touches to it.
As you will get to see below, if you have not already played through a bit of what Resident Evil Resistance has to offer, are three different matches with three different masterminds and areas to go with them. We get a bit more on how the mastermind is going to be dropping things into the map and the cooldowns that come with that. There also looks to be a card system that will dictate what they can drop in so they do not just spam us with massive numbers of hard enemies. It looks kind of cool, and more the route I think I will want to play, but there are a few other things to take in. Like the third act gameplay here with a bit of a different objective and the fact that the survivors will have to go through one last onslaught of beasts in the classic horror movie trope. All with the Resident Evil vibe to it.
Resident Evil Resistance — 4v1 Gameplay
Let’s play Resident Evil Resistance! Capcom joins us for a 4v1 multiplayer session of the intense asymmetrical online game. Four plucky Survivors square off against the sadistic Mastermind and their legion of monsters. Resident Evil Resistance is included with Resident Evil 3, launching on PS4, Xbox One, and PC April 3.
Did you get a chance to play the demo version of this Resident Evil Resistance gameplay or did you miss out as I did? Will you be jumping into this version of the game from the start or will you be going through the main game first? Do you think you will go mastermind only or will you opt to mix it up as often as possible? Let us and the world out there know what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on Resident Evil Resistance and the franchise in general, be sure to keep coming back here. We will keep it all coming to you as best as we can and you will not want to miss a single thing along the way.