So last week I brought you the view of the counter on the Final Fantasy XIII web site. There was a lot of question what it was going to bring when it hit zero. Well now that it has hit Zero, which option was it from the list. Not the sephiroth one, unfortunately. But it was what some flash decompilers let out to the world. A New trailer for the game. Not to big of a surprise.
Now the link to the trailer is below. But I will tell you, you may need some handi-wipes near by. It looks gorgeous, as Square-Enix has been going with all of their cut scenes. But here's the best kicker. It has game play in the trailer, which of course is just as cool as you think it would be. I just wish they would have more than, In Production, listed at the end for the release date for it. But beggars can't be choosers I guess. Check it out below if you haven't jumped on it already.
Check It Out