Another breakdown for Control is here to show off the main weapon and power we will have at our disposal when pushing for Control
The wheel keeps turning for us when it comes to Control as we have more flowing out almost every day now. Although, this time it is a bit on the shorter side form Remedy as it is a basic rundown of the powers and weapons that Jesse will get to use in the game. It is not as if we have not seen that so many times for Control already, but here we go with one more recap. For those few out there that have no idea what is going on and want to be fully up to speed when August 27th rolls on up. There is still time for those holding out still…
In any instance, the next video in the "What Is Control?" line is here to take us into the Service Revolver and Telekinesis we know we will have. The revolver being the shape-changing gun we have seen a lot of and the other being the basic power we keep getting force-fed. It is truly starting to feel like there is a lot more hidden in Control even with all of the video updates we have had. I could be wrong. Either way, have a look at the new little clip we have and see if you can spot anything truly new in the mix of it all.
Control — The Battle Is On!
Battle your way through the Oldest House combining Jesse's telekinetic abilities with the Service Weapon, an object of extreme power.
Did you learn anything new here for Control that you did not already know? Do you think that we will see more powers along the way and these are just the absolute basics we will get? Does any of this matter to you and you just want the month to end so you can play? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Control in any of its ways, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep it all flowing out there as best as we can.