Samurai Shodown
A new fighter for Samurai Shodown is here and it is not a returning character but one that is new to Samurai Shodown in general
The next new fighter for Samurai Shodown is here and we are not just talking in terms of announcement. As it looks here, SNK has gone with giving us a new fighter to the IP this time around with so many of the older ones making their way back into it all. We all like the good classics, but it is also nice to get some new blood to play with and spill the blood of others in our games. That is why I am glad to share with you a look at Yashamaru in Samurai Shodown just before launch on June 25th.
Right from the start, I am going to say that Yashamaru does not look like a new character to Samurai Shodown but one we have seen many times already. Maybe this is part of the Mandela Effect in my case, but searching around for other references shows that Yashamaru is a new character. More of a ninja-styled character but with the usual armor we would expect in a Samurai Shodown game. I will take it for certain. You can have a look below at Yashamaru in action for the game and see if you come to different conclusions than I did.
Samurai Shodown — Yashamaru
Get a look at the bloody, violent combat styles of Yashamaru from the upcoming Samurai Shodown, out on June 25th for PS4 and Xbox One.
A young, fallen samurai who stalks the shadows as the phantom thief “Karasu Tengu (Crow-Billed Goblin).” Brandishing an heirloom nagamaki, he fights using the ancestral tengu powers he has inherited.
He loathes villains who exploit the weak for financial gain. Because his father was executed on false charges in the past, he has developed a deep and unparalleled hatred for the Tokugawa Shogunate.
What are your thoughts on Yashamaru here for Samurai Shodown and are you glad to have one more new character to the franchise? Do they look to be as different as others or do they follow the same lines as other characters? Do you like the "ninja" vibe from the character here or is it too out there for this game? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more to share for Samurai Shodown, we will share it all here. All you have to do is keep checking back in. We will have all of those updates in short order.