Tomb Raider
The next DLC for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is here and offers up new challenges and outfits for our Tomb Raider to play through
It is interesting to see that Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is almost silently releasing its new DLC. It also seems to be working even though some of us are only hearing of the next DLC to drop on the day it actually drops. It is like finding a little surprise from Eidos-Montréal all wrapped up on our PS4, Xbox One, or PC. With that all said, we are about to have the next in the line for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider here to play as “The Price Of Survival” is here and ready for you to jump right into. Even though it feels like we just had a nice new bit added in not too long ago.
As you can most likely guess, this new DLC adds another tomb for us to run around in and also opens up some more Score Attack and Time Attack modes for a few of the tombs already out there. Our little Tomb Raider will also gain access to a new outfit that increases the effect of perception plants, providing longer-lasting vision to hunt enemies. Not to mention the new Silent Stinger pistol to help with those silent kills around the game. All as part of the Season Pass or available on its own as you are reading this. That is unless your digital store has not updated yet, but it should at some point in the day.
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider — The Price Of Survival
Return to the lush world of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider and solve a mystery behind Lara Croft’s greatest foe in “The Price Of Survival”.
Crack the private codes of Trinity’s leader, defeat the elite soldiers standing in your way, and explore a tomb wreathed in a poisonous past.
Equip the new Hunter’s Array outfit, a classic Trinity uniform making Lara’s footsteps quieter. With the new Silent Sting pistol and suppressor, your enemies will never hear you coming.
Are you ready for more Tomb Raider fun with this new DLC or would you have liked to have a bit more heads up than launch day? How difficult do you think the new tomb will be or will it be just about the same as always to pad some of the run time? Would you have liked to have some of these new bits of gear in the core game before now or does it make sense to release it now via the DLC? Let us all know what is on your mind down in the comments and then discuss. As we are updated on Shadow Of The Tomb Raider and the franchise in general, we will update you. All you need to do is stick close to the site here.