We just got a awesome press release from Doug from Valve showcasing the 100 "Awards & Counting" The Orange Box is recieving.
"March 10, 2008 - The 2007 award season is coming to a close and The Orange Box - the unique multiplatform, multi-game offering from Valve, creators of Half-Life2 & Counter-Strike - has racked up over 100 Firts Place Awards, comprised of more than 50 Game of the Year honors plus over 50 craft awards for special achievements in gaming."
For more information about The Orange Box, please visit www.steamgames.com.
To view a full list of the awards, please visit http://orange.half-life2.com/Awards.html
This is someting the Valve team should be really proud of and since I am a great fan of the company and game I wanted to say congrats from PWNED.com!