Assassin’s Creed
The next Trial Of The Gods for Assassin’s Creed Origins is here and now you can show off your skill in Assassin’s Creed Origins to the god Sobek
The gods have spoken yet again and now there is a new trial to undertake in Assassin’s Creed Origins via this free in-game event that is currently going on. In fact, Ubisoft started it back on the 21st and it will be going on until the 28th so you can get out there and impress everyone with your amazing skills in the game. At least if you are able to partake in this Assassin’s Creed Origins DLC that is out there on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It is free, but there are a few other requirements that you will need to have made it through to actually partake of it all. Thankfully it only requires you to actually have played the game that you purchased already.
To partake in this new trial of the gods for Assassin’s Creed Origins, you will need to have made it past the story mission named Aya. You will then get notified of the new trial and where you need to go to do it all. It is recommended that you are at least level 40 for this, but you can always attempt if you want to risk it all. Or at least risk getting a game over screen when you die like any other time in Assassin’s Creed Origins. So really not too much of a setback if you want to at least give it all a go and see how it all pans out.
If you are able to succeed in this trial for Assassin’s Creed Origins, you will be rewarded with some new Anubis Gear for Bayek. It seems a bit odd to have it be Anubis and something specific for Sobek, but free is free I guess. That is also only if you beat it once. Subsequent successes will garner you more XP and Drachmas so there is a reason to give it all a go after finishing it the first time. Outside of extra bragging rights and such, I guess. Although I know I have never been at a shortage for both XP and Drachmas in the game to date, but maybe I just have a different play style than you.
Assassin’s Creed Origins — Trials Of The Gods - Sobek
The Trials of the Gods is a free in-game event that puts your skills to the test against Egyptian deities. In this next trial, you will face Sobek, the God of Water & Fertility. You can face Sobek from 11/21-11/28.
Are you ready to take on Sobek here in Assassin’s Creed Origins or do you still have some more of the game to beat before you can undertake it all? Do you think Ubisoft will give us all another chance to take on Sobek given that some players will not get the game until Christmas here? Have you enjoyed this new portion of the game to date or is it still in a state of winning your affections? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on the Assassin’s Creed Origins DLC and events, be sure to stick around here on the site. We will keep updating you with it all as we get new information.