![[XBox 360 Review] Pirates Vs Ninjas Dodgeball](http://aggrogamer.com/backups/userimages/1222787944-pvn-dodgeball.jpg)
In singleplayer, you have Exhibition, Story or Tutorial. The Exhibition is a run down of different match types, that include 1 vs. 1 up to 4 vs. 4, and you can choose how many rounds, how tough the AI is, which team you are on, how many balls are in play, and what the rules will be. The Story is basically a very weak storyline, that seems thrown together to try and give the game more playability, just don’t expect much in the terms of depth here folks. I will be honest, and say the AI is way too cheap even on the easiest setting. I found myself constantly losing to the opponent, and even my teammates weren’t on par skill wise with the computer. I spent most of the time running around the maps trying to grab a ball, only to have my teammate grab the ball before I did, and don’t even get me started on when a ball gets stuck in a corner.
I have tried to play the online multiplayer, but it rarely finds games for me to play in, and it’s never consistent. I don’t know if this is due to poor servers or just not many are actually playing the game. I ran into constant issues of hit detection miscues, and way too much lag for only 4 to 8 people being on screen at once. So the online experience was very problematic and frustrating. As for Local multiplayer, this is actually kind of fun as having human opponents brings a different feel for the game. While it is utter chaos, it’s having people together, laughing and carrying on and trash talking each other.
Overall, there are some very serious issues with this game that need to be addressed and it feels like it needed some time to cook a little longer before it came out of the developer’s oven. I can only recommend this game to those who constantly are having friends over, as this is a fun little “party” game. If you absolutely must play the game, I suggest trying out the demo first before handing over your 800 MS Points on this game.
Rating: 5.5/10