It has just been announced that Werewolf: The Apocalypse will be getting its own video game version for us to pretend to be a Werewolf out to save the world
It seems like it wasn't that long ago that we were talking about a World Of Darkness MMO coming and then being canceled but now it looks like the universe is being brought back in video game form as we now have Werewolf: The Apocalypse getting the same treatment here. Yes, it looks like Paradox Interactive, the people who own the rights to the IPs, have given way for Cyanide Studios and Focus Home Interactive to give bringing this part of the universe to life and hopefully success. Werewolf: The Apocalypse wouldn't be my own personal choice to come from the WoD here but at least it looks like they are still willing to give it a try and give gamers a taste of the table top games in the realm of the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
For those not in the know, the quick and dirty version of Werewolf: The Apocalypse from the table top version is that you are a, you guessed it, Werewolf living in the worst version you can think of the real world. The world is poised to end, both physically and spiritually and it is up to you and your pack to make sure the balance is kept so those unspeakable evils never win the day. That is the most basic and dirty version of it as the Werewolf: The Apocalypse IP has been around and expanding since 1992 so of course there is a whole lot more to work with but that should get the ball rolling for you. At least enough to get some excitement and interest flowing for now.
Of course, this is just an announcement for Werewolf: The Apocalypse and there is nothing more outside of this, but at least it looks like the video gamer versions of the franchises are not totally dead in the water. It does look like we will be getting more about Werewolf: The Apocalypse during the "What's Next" event that Focus Home Interactive will be hosting on February 1st and 2nd so maybe we'll have more than just an announcement but I wouldn't expect a trailer or screenshot at all by then. Unless they were really good about keeping the whole project under wraps while Cyanide worked on the many other titles they have coming soon.
White Wolf is pleased to announce its partnership with Paris-based video game publisher Focus Home Interactive for a licensed PC and console game set in the World of Darkness.
The partnership between Focus Home Interactive and White Wolf Publishing concerns the adaptation of a video game based on the acclaimed Werewolf: The Apocalypse. The game will be developed by the game development studio Cyanide (Styx: Master Of Shadows, Blood Bowl, Call Of Cthulhu…). In the game you will become a Garou, a rage-fuelled Werewolf warrior opposed to urban civilization and the destruction it brings. The Garou are born to fight the corruption of The Wyrm, a powerful supernatural force leading us towards an inevitable Apocalypse.
“The world is dying. When will you Rage? The core question of Werewolf: The Apocalypse is more relevant today than ever before and the cooperation with Focus and Cyanide will finally give gamers the opportunity to revel in the raw power and primal spirituality of the Garou. What is the price of saving the world with fang and claw? Find out for yourself as we explore the darkest corners of a dying planet.”, says Martin Ericsson, Lead Story Teller of White Wolf.
“We are pleased to partner with White Wolf to bring Werewolf: The Apocalypse to life in a video game for consoles and PC. We are excited to work on the World of Darkness universe, as this is formidable playground to tell the players a great story. We are also happy to partner with Cyanide Studios in this adventure – they are behind the original wish to adapt this universe, and we are faithful in their ability to create a game that will please both fans of World of Darkness and newcomers”, says Cédric Lagarrigue, President of Focus Home Interactive
“The World of Darkness universe has always attracted creatives with a strong passion for telling dark and immersive stories. So to work closely with the great talent at Focus Home and Cyanide exploring the Werewolves of this universe is an absolutely fantastic experience for us at White Wolf and we are more than excited to see this great IP realized in a video game”, says Tobias Sjögren, CEO of White Wolf.
I am a bit curious on why Werewolf: The Apocalypse was used here instead of the many other franchises in the collection here. I know that werewolves do seem to be the best suited for an action and combat heavy kind of game but that is truly only one side of the whole IP. I do have faith that Cyanide will do well with it given what we've seen here recently, but it just seems like an odd choice. Personally I would have loved to see Changeling or even Mage over Werewolf here but until I see something that completely dissuades me I will hold back full reservations. Maybe they will get me to love the overall franchise in general with their storytelling and gameplay. We'll see…
What do you think about Werewolf: The Apocalypse getting its own video game here soon? Do you think that this will be the start of the table top games branching back into the video game world again? What other franchises would you have liked to see if this one wasn't your first choice here? Let us know down in the comments and feel free to discuss as you wish. For more on Werewolf: The Apocalypse and how it progresses, be sure to stick around here. We will be keeping a close eye on this and hopefully will have a whole lot more to share here in a few week's time.