The release date for Overwatch has been revealed and it looks like fans of Overwatch will get to have a bit of an early access to it
Looks like the wait for Overwatch is going to be coming to an end here soon. We now have an official release date for the game and it looks like it is a lot sooner than many though that Blizzard would have it done by. None the less we can all be happy to see Overwatch landing on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 24th. It is still a bit of the way out there but I am sure that the time will fly as we wait to give this game a solid go and a chance. Not that it would have any issue gaining an audience.
On top of the release date it looks like we will also be getting an early access to Overwatch well before the launch. In fact if you have pre-ordered the game before May 3rd you and a friend will be able to hop in and play the game then. Well that is until May 4th when that limited access ends for you and your buddy. By limited I am talking about it being you two and all of those other players out there who pre-ordered Overwatch as the flood gates open on May 5th for a full on public beta at that point.
On May 5th to the 9th anyone who wants to give the 21 heroes of Overwatch a try can do just that on all platforms. This is most likely the point where Blizzard is going to stress test the servers to make sure everything is ready for that May 24th release date so do expect there to be some major issues with connection on those dates. At least you get to give the game a go twenty days before the final build and launch go out so you can't complain too much. It's not like they are charging you if you don't want to.
Are you excited to get to dive into Overwatch in the coming months? Have you already played in the closed betas and are looking forward to what is in store for the final or next-to-final build of the game? Should this really be called an 'Early Access' given what many of us already accept that term to mean? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As with all things Blizzard keep your attention here on the site for more on Overwatch and all of their titles as they come.