Three new heroes for Battleborn have been revealed to us as well as the co-op story mode for Battleborn that looks to change the game for the better
Looks like we are even closer to that sweet number of 25 for Battleborn's hero roster as we get closer to the release of the game. We have three new heroes to show off for Gearbox's next huge title and it looks like they are not light on the badassitude. That is a word now. But not only do we get to see these three new heroes in action but it looks like 2K Games allowed for some of the co-op story mode to get mixed in just to show us what we have to look forward to on May 3rd here.
The three new heroes we have are Whiskey Foxtrot, an offbeat soldier of sorts, Kelvin, a microorganism civilization who banded together to create one hulking ice golem, and then there is Shayne/Aurox, a bratty teenager who is bound to some weird, dark, space creature. All of them have their own play style but as their names and basic descriptions sound you can assume how they play. Battleborn may have some off the wall characters but they do know how to play to the basic tropes each stylized character fits into.
You can see all three of these characters in action just below in three different gameplay videos. In addition to all of that you get to see how some of the story mode plays out in terms of single player as well as the 5 player co-op version of the same experience. Obviously some are better suited for the solo play than others but it all looks just as we expected from Gearbox in terms of progression. If I didn't know better I'd say it looks more like a Borderlands 3 title instead of a fully new IP.
Battleborn — Shayne And Aurox
Battleborn — Kelvin
Battleborn — Whiskey Foxtrot
What do you think of the three new characters for Battleborn? Does it look like the story mode is going to be more or less a Borderlands clone or is that just how these subsections make it look? What other off-the-wall heroes are you looking for in Battleborn here? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As we get further details on the game out of 2K Games we will have them all here. Be sure to stick around here for those and all things gaming.