A new ADR1FT video has been released just after the release day announcement and it is more accolades for ADR1FT than any true showing
Earlier in the month it was confirmed that ADR1FT would be getting its PC release on March 28th and the console version would be soon after. Three One Zero has been working hard on making the game the best VR experience to have and it has impressed quite a bit. That's why I find it odd that it took so long after the initial announcement for 505 Games to give us the trailer talking about said praise for ADR1FT as well as extra the release date. I guess again, beggars can't be choosers here and we should just be thankful.
While the following trailer does show off some amazing in-game graphical footage that is about where it ends as nothing more on the story or gameplay of ADR1FT are even broached. We should all know by now how pretty the game is going to look and it is going to give most of us an experience that will be the closest we ever get to being an astronaut. Maybe we didn't know that already? I'm just curious if all astronauts have the same music tracks playing in their helmets as we hear here in ADR1FT. That would be something now wouldn't it?
ADR1FT — Clair de Lune
I am a bit confused on the release date for ADR1FT in terms of coming out for the Oculus Rift though. I know they both are slated for the same day release but with pre-orders on the Oculus selling out so fast that a good portion of people won't be seeing their headset until May or June. You'd think that Three One Zero would want to try and take an extra month on ADR1FT to perfect it more and then release when a larger size of gamers have the ability to play it. Maybe that is just me though. It's how I would have tried to market it.
What do you think about ADR1FT after the latest trailer here? Do you think your dreams of going to space will be answered in this experience or will it be another "one and done" kind of game? Would you have waited to release ADR1FT until you knew that more of the audience had the ability to play the game? Let us know and discuss away in the comments. As we get more out of 505 Games on it we will have it all here for you. Stick around and keep an eye out for that when it drops.