The Overwatch beta is back in full swing and a few things have been added to Overwatch in the way of player levels and a few other game altering additions
Just when you thought it was over they drag you back into Overwatch as the beta access has been turned back on. Not only is the beta back on and waiting for all of us to flood the game again but it looks like Blizzard has added a few new options and tweaks to Overwatch that are all based on suggestions from the community. Of course there would be alterations to the game. That is generally what a beta is supposed to be fore and there is a lot that can change in Overwatch before it hits the PC, PS4, and Xbox One in any official capacity.
Of course we mentioned changes and there have been a whole lot of them for the current version of Overwatch. Some of them are a new player progression system, new maps, a new game mode, and the ability customize your private matches to fit the wants of the players. The big one of course being the new player progression that now gives you a level in Overwatch that can be progressed upon. Doing so will unlock a variety of things from new character skins and some flashy into videos for each of the characters that you are playing in Overwatch. Time to set yourself apart.
You don't have to take my word for it though. Here is Jeff Kaplan from Blizzard to tell you all about the changes coming in Overwatch through this new beta. Of course it isn't everything out there but it is a good start. I am sure it will take no time for players to uncover everything that the game has to offer.
Overwatch — Beta Is Back!
I mentioned it and so did Jeff but if you want to see those Overwatch character intros that you can earn just by playing the game then you can see them in action just below. Also if you are truly interested in getting all of the minute details that are coming with the changes then you can check out the complete patch notes for the updates or you can check out the preview for Overwatch's Player Progression system directly from the source. No point in bringing you what they already provided right?
Overwatch — Highlight Intros
Are you stoked to get back into playing Overwatch now? Do you see the custom game mode adding a great benefit to the game or just another option that will get lost in the mix? Do you think that we will keep seeing Overwatch's characters getting more and more skins and intros as player progression heads toward infinity? Let us know what you think and discuss away in the comments below. As we get more on Overwatch out of Blizzard we will do what we can to keep you updated. As always keep your browser aimed here to stay on top of all video game news that is coming.