Far Cry Primal
More gameplay for Far Cry Primal has been unleashed online and it gives us all a good look at the opening events of Far Cry Primal as well as some of the systems we'll soon experience
Far Cry Primal is just under a month out from hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC and if you are like me you can't wait for February 23rd to get here already. Since its announcement it has looked like Ubisoft has put a lot of care and effort into making Far Cry Primal be the best title to hit the franchise. Especially since most titles out there in the same vein all revolve around badass marines or who has the best fire power. I think the prehistoric setting for Far Cry Primal is what is selling it the best to us all. Of course I could just be wrong.
Anyways, as I mentioned I am eager to see more and play Far Cry Primal and it looks like some prayers have been answered as some other "paid media" types have had a chance to give a beta version of the game a spin and one of them captured it for our viewing pleasure. In fact it looks like the first hour or so of the gameplay for Far Cry Primal has been captured so we can see how some of these new mechanics will play as well as how beautiful the game's world will look through the artist's flare that has crafted said world. More team of artists but you knew what I meant.
First up we have a solid look at the opening to Far Cry Primal. From the story's prologue to a bit into the crafting and combat systems we will need to master to survive the onslaught of all of the other cannibalistic tribes out there. Not to mention all of the wild beasts out there we will also have to worry about in Far Cry Primal.
Far Cry Primal — Opening
That was fun wasn't it? Now it looks like there is a bit of a leap in time but still in the early stages of Far Cry Primal as we get to see a bit more of the tutorial side as well as the new open-world Ubisoft has for us here. So far it has been intense and this next bit is just as fun even though it does spoil a good chunk of the opening for Far Cry Primal. Then again you knew what you were getting into when you clicked the play button.
Far Cry Primal — Open-World
What do you think of Far Cry Primal now that you've seen more gameplay in action? Does it look like it is going to live up to all of the hype that has been built around it? What aspects of Far Cry Primal were you hoping to see here and looking forward to later in the game? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As more on Far Cry Primal is released by Ubisoft we will have it on the site for you. Be sure to keep checking in for those updates and more as they come.