LEGO Marvel's Avengers
A new LEGO Marvel Avengers trailer has been released and it shows off how open the worlds of LEGO Marvel Avengers will be when we join the fight
If you were under the impression that LEGO Marvel's Avengers was going to follow just the simple path of the films that it will be depicting then we are all wrong. In the most recent trailer for the game it is shown that TT Games has built multiple open worlds for us to explore and save the day in. LEGO Marvel's Avengers is making a bit more sense now with showing up to the party a little late to capitalize off the films that inspired it all. Another feather in the cap of LEGO Marvel's Avengers not being a film tie in at all and this is a good thing.
That is not to say that there won't be any linear part to LEGO Marvel's Avengers but there will also be huge free roam locations to take your heroes though and perform many other tasks. Tasks like finding collectibles, partaking in level challenges, and saving random citizens from normal crime. That kind of defeats the purpose of the lower level heroes set up in the cinematic universe but it does look like those characters could also be in LEGO Marvel's Avengers in some form or another. I am pretty sure I spotted Jewel in the following trailer but I could be a bit wrong.
The eight open world and free roam locations include:
- New York City
- Asgard
- Barton Farm
- Malibu
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Base Exterior
- Sokovia
- South Africa
- Washington, D.C.
LEGO Marvel's Avengers — Open World
Does this add to the selling point for LEGO Marvel's Avengers for you? Do you still see this whole thing as a way for TT Games to play one big game of catch up given all of the films released? Who do you think will make cameos in LEGO Marvel's Avengers given the open worlds we have now? Let us know your thoughts and feel free to discuss away in the comments below. As we get further information on LEGO Marvel's Avengers out of Warner Bros. we will have it up on the site here for you so be sure to keep it locked in here for all future updates. The Marvel universe is rather huge and I expect more out of LEGO Marvel's Avengers.