Just Cause 3
The first hour of gameplay for Just Cause 3 has been placed online by the publisher just in case you couldn't wait until Just Cause 3 finally launches
December 1st is only a few days out from now and that is when Just Cause 3 hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. There have been a whole lot of fun videos and media released out there to get us all geared up and ready for what Avalanche Studios has put together for us. If the wait is still too excruciating for Just Cause 3 though it looks like Square Enix has chosen to release the first hour of the game online for all to view. Because six days was too hard to wait for Just Cause 3 to just release.
Obviously it should go without saying but…SPOILER ALERT! There are some odd edits in the video here for Just Cause 3 but it looks like it is the full hour of what players will experience when they first load the game up. Most of it is tutorials from the look of it which is a little nice but there are still story elements and other times of Just Cause 3 mixed in besides learning how to use the new gear. Also a whole lot of explosions and destruction. All what you would expect in the game and already shown for Just Cause 3 to date.
Just Cause 3 — The First Hour Of Gameplay
If I didn't know better though from watching all of this new Just Cause 3 footage and gameplay I would swear that the writers and voice actors went an extremely stereotypical route with the cast of characters. At one point I swear I heard the Mexican Maid from Family Guy giving instructions in there. I know it is part of the setting but I also know not everyone in the real world counterparts that Just Cause 3 used as a basis talk or act like they do in what I just saw. Then again… "video games" right?
Did you spoil the first hour of Just Cause 3 here or did you just move right along? Did you see and hear the same things I did here in the way of stereotypes? How about all of those explosions that Avalanche Studios has mixed in? Let us know and discuss until your food settles over the weekend down in the comments. If we have anything new for Just Cause 3 out of Square Enix before it releases next week we will have it here. Be sure to keep tuned in for all of that as it comes.