The story trailer for SOMA has been released and it gives a bit more insight into the philosophical questions that SOMA will be raising
Up until now I have been trying to make heads and tails of what SOMA's overall story will be about. The game launches next week on September 22nd for the PC and PS4 so it seems like it would be high time for Frictional Games to delve into the weirdness that they are known to create. SOMA has definitely shown that freak flag since its very first teaser trailer and now the culmination is here. Along with that we also have some more insight into the story we will be experiencing here in SOMA via a nice new story trailer. Get your thinking caps ready as it looks like this is going to be the thinking human's horror game here with SOMA.
After watching the below trailer it would seem thatSOMA is looking to delve into the question of what makes a human a human. This would be the same question that pops up all the time when it comes to AI and most recently in the mapping of the human brain to be placed in a digital schema. This is real science and not something made up for SOMA. At least if I am following the concepts that it looks like Frictional Games is going based on the visuals that have been handed out for SOMA so far. Just think about placing your brain in a robot and think if that would still be you or not and you'll most likely be on the right path of logic here. Would there really be two of you in the end?
I won't go much deeper into that as it looks like that is the goal of SOMA so we can all go play that game and have some fun thoughts afterwards. This of course is my take on the latest story trailer for SOMA so how about you watch it and see if you get the same gist or a completely different path of logical thinking. Or just see how the game is going to scare the shit out of your pants…
SOMA — Story Trailer
Did you make the same logic leap as I did after watching this new trailer for SOMA or did you go to a different place? Does it look like the game will pose these kinds of questions or will it all fall to the side in comparison to the terror that the game might instill? Do you enjoy thinking kinds of games as SOMA looks to be? Let us know and discuss in the comments below. We only have a little more time before SOMA is released and Frictional Games sees if they still have winning formulas. That doesn't mean that there won't be anything else to cover for SOMA so be sure to keep checking back in for more on the game as it launches and beyond.