Another trailer for SOMA shows off more of the dark, deep seas that we will be fighting for our lives in when we play SOMA
If there has been one upcoming title that has had me both intrigued and confused it has to be SOMA. Sometimes it looks like weird sci-fi horror title and then we get videos like we have below that make it look like some kind of dark deep sea adventure. At least across the board Frictional Games has kept the horror look no matter which vision of SOMA I am looking at. Thankfully all of that will be solved soon as SOMA is hitting the PC and PS4 here on September 22th. Then we will get a clear answer as to what is going on in the game that has been a weird roller coaster of visuals until now.
Before you take a look at the new SOMA video here let me give you the basic description of the game's story. Then you can see what I am seeing here in Frictional Games' title and question what is going on. SOMA wouldn't be the first mind-trippy game that they have made after all.
The radio is dead, food is running out, and the machines have started to think they are people. Underwater facility PATHOS-II has suffered an intolerable isolation and we’re going to have to make some tough decisions. What can be done? What makes sense? What is left to fight for?
SOMA — Environments
It looks like we are going to be out in the water a lot in SOMA, given the facility's location, but until now Frictional Games has only shown us gameplay from inside a location that could really double as a space craft. Then again a space craft could really double as an underwater craft given the needs and requirements to sustain life. Either way this has been my take away for SOMA until now and all I can do is sit around and wait to get my hands on it. We need a good horror game as we lead into October. It looks like SOMA may be fitting the bill here even if it seems a bit odd with the promotional videos…
What are your thoughts on SOMA now? Are you with me and a bit confused but intrigued? Do you want to see more actual gameplay and not environmental fly-throughs? Do you not care and just want to play SOMA right now? You have thoughts and we all want to hear/read them. You can fill in the comment section with all of those and let the SOMA discussions continue. Maybe we will get more SOMA gameplay out of Frictional Games here before launch; or maybe not. Either way we will have it all right here for you so be sure to check in and check in often for more on SOMA.