It's time to start setting that money aside for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End as we now have an official date on when we will get to drop the disc, or digital code, into our PS4. As of right now it has been announced that Naughty Dog will be giving us Uncharted 4 on March 18th of 2016 so get those pre-orders a going. At least if you are one of those people who still loves to pre-order games and are worried that there won't be enough copies of Uncharted 4 out in the wild on release day. Usually not the case but it could happen with a title this large. Well…not really but hey; they want those pre-orders.
Okay. I jest as there are some good reasons to pre-order Uncharted 4: A Thief's End before March. Three reasons in fact even though one doesn't make much sense given the price point. Yes I am talking about Uncharted 4 special editions and collector's editions. All of which is filled with the same general stuff that we have come to expect in collector's editions of games. Except that Uncharted 4's big bundle does come with a hat. Hats are not generally normal I guess but the steelbook cases and statues are pretty much a common thread in all collector's editions now. Unless you are Call Of Duty and want to give out drones and night vision scopes.
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End — Special Edition ($79.99 USD)
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Blu-ray Disc
- Collectible Steelbook case designed by Alexander “That Kid Who Draws” Iaccarino
- 48-page hardcover art book by Dark Horse and Naughty Dog
- Naughty Dog & Pirate Sigil sticker sheet
- Naughty Dog Points: A pack of in-game currency to unlock various multiplayer content
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End — Libertalia Collector's Edition ($119.99 USD)
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Blu-ray Disc
- Collectible Steelbook case designed by Alexander “That Kid Who Draws” Iaccarino
- 48-page hardcover art book by Dark Horse and Naughty Dog
- Naughty Dog & Pirate Sigil sticker sheet
- Naughty Dog Points: A pack of in-game currency to unlock various multiplayer content
- A 12" premium Nathan Drake statue by Gentle Giant
- Three multiplayer outfits: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Heist Drake, and Desert Drake outfits
- Two custom weapon skins: Golden Weapon Skin and Desert Weapon Skin
- Henry Avery Sigil ball cap
- Madagascar Sidekick outfits
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End — Digital Deluxe Edition ($79.99 USD)
- A digital copy of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Uncharted 4 Triple Pack: Includes future access to the first-ever, single-player story add-on for the Uncharted series and two multiplayer packs that will unlock new, rare and legendary multiplayer items
- Instant unlock of two multiplayer customization items
Hopefully after looking through all of the Uncharted 4 editions that you can pre-order you saw what I saw. That being that the digital version of Naughty Dog's final chapter costs the same as the physical version but you don't get all of the cool Uncharted 4 stuff bundled in. Is having a digital only version really worth losing out on some cool physical stuff here or did we get a typo in the release? Who would pay the same for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End digitally when you get more for having a physical disc? I know I wouldn't. Then again you readers are not me. I just hope you have the same sense as I do and have not bought into Uncharted 4 without truly shopping around.
Of course where you pre-order Uncharted 4 there are also other goodies to be had. Of course this also limits you as the digital version I am sure will only be able to be pre-order via the PSN to get Uncharted 4 that way. Leaving those who want the dynamic theme but a physical copy of the game out in the lurch. Only you can make the decision though as it is your money. Just know that we have presented you with options on how to buy Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and nothing more.
- Pre-order at GameStop to receive the Multiplayer Booster Pack to instantly unlock a variety of one-time use multiplayer boosts, and The Phurba Dagger Taunt based on the iconic symbol from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
- Pre-order at Amazon to receive the Snow Camo weapon customization and the Desert Drake outfit multiplayer customization.
- Pre-order via PlayStation Store to receive the Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Dynamic Theme and the Desert Weapon customization.
Will you be pre-ordering any of these versions of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End? Do they tickle your fancy or pretty much just more stuff to try and pad the accounts of Naughty Dog? Why do you think the digital only version is the same price as the physical just with less stuff packaged in for Uncharted 4? Let us know what you think and get the discussion rolling in the comments. Now that we have a date for Uncharted 4 I have a feeling more gameplay and details will be following shortly so be sure to keep checking in right here for all things Uncharted 4: A Thief's End as we will update as we get the information.