A new developer diary for Just Cause 3 has been released to show off how the team is getting all of those destructibles in Just Cause 3 just right
We've all seen how destructible Just Cause 3's world and objects are going to be. We have and it is what we expect for the next gen title and the Just Cause franchise up to now. We know it and so does Avalanche Studios as they too have been taking great care to make everything in Just Cause 3 explode, decay, evaporate, or any other synonym for destroy, look just about right. Granted it isn't always going to be the most real world physics based kind of destructible but Just Cause 3 is a video game so it will make it look just right for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC universes that we will play in. Just as the gods have always wanted to will into existence.
Of course you don't have to take just my word for it as we have a new developer diary for Just Cause 3 to show off how the team is doing it. Not only that but how spectacular of a job they have been able to do so far. Avalanche Studios needs to use all of that Square Enix money for a good use and based on the following video it looks like they have. Now get ready to sit back, relax, and watch all of that beautiful destruction we will get to experience in Just Cause 3 when it launches on December 1st of this year. It is going to make Michael Bay look like a "hack" when all is said and done here. All in the Just Cause 3 way of things.
Just Cause 3 — Dev Diary Episode 2: Destruction
“We’ve been focused purely on the new generation of high-end technology from the very beginning of development” said Game Director Roland Lesterlin “this huge amount of extra horsepower allows us to do things that simply weren’t possible until now”.
Are you ready to "set the world on fire" with Just Cause 3 after seeing how you can here? Do you think that Avalanche Studios is going above and beyond here for Just Cause 3 or do you demand more realistic explosions? Do you want to see tin cans explode when you kick them around in the game? Would that be too far? Let us know down in the comments and let the discussion begin. Or continue. Either or. At least until Square Enix allows more for Just Cause 3 to be revealed to the world. When that happens be sure to know that we will have it covered right here just for you. So be sure to keep coming back for more on Just Cause 3…just cause…