Given that SOMA is supposed to be a horror-like title it would make sense that there are a lot of creepy sounds during the game. Same goes with the fact that it is a Sci-Fi title as well so we should be expecting a whole lot of that as well. SOMA wouldn't be the title that Frictional Games is pushing if these elements were not present as we all should know that sound and music help drive emotions and tone in video games. Well, any form of media, but we are talking SOMA and we are talking video games here. That is why we have a new video for the game that focuses just on how all those creep sounds are made and implemented in the final version of SOMA.
Of course this new video for SOMA is aimed more at those of us who like to see how our video games are put together on a daily basis. Don't worry though. If you are not into seeing how the audio guys over at Frictional Games are handling all of this you can skip just past the video and into some other things that may interest you. I won't spoil the surprise but leave the choice up to you on what you learn about SOMA. I'll leave you to it now.
SOMA — Behind The Music
If you watched the video or not here is what else was promised for SOMA. We have more in-game screenshots as well as all of the PC requirements that you could ever ask for…right now. Of course we all want more out of Frictional Games as well as the final build of SOMA but that is something we'll have to wait until September 22nd to get our hands on. At least we have some nice new images and how to prep our systems if we are getting SOMA not on the PS4 when that officially launches out there. We always have to take what we can get as we are not the larger paid media sources. But that's nothing to do with what we have for SOMA right now.
- 64-bit Windows 7
- 2.0 GHz Intel Core i3 / AMD A6
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M Series / AMD Radeon HD 5770 (1GB RAM)
- 25GB HDD
- 64-bit Windows 7
- 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5 / AMD FX
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 / AMD Radeon HD 8770 (2GB RAM)
- 25GB HDD
So there you have it. All the new stuff for SOMA. What do you think? Doesn't seem like there needs to be too much beef on the PC right? How creepy does it all look now that you've seen what Frictional Games had to offer in the way of sound and visuals here? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. As we say with all of our other items we cover; be sure to keep it locked in here for more on SOMA as we get further information and updates. You don't want to miss a thing.