The worlds don't seem to end in LEGO Dimensions as now we get to see Scooby and the gang in action for the game. Just like all of the other IPs that have been announced and shown off so far it looks like Warner Bros. Now we get to see the two most famous of the Mystery Inc. team in action as imagined by TT Games in LEGO Dimensions. This has to be one of the better games that they are getting into right? Hopefully so as we can maybe hope to see more of them outside of LEGO Dimensions on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, or Xbox One. That is at least my hope but now we are moving off the topic of LEGO Dimensions so…
Like I said, this team is not a new announcement for LEGO Dimensions but this would mark the first time we have seen their solid gameplay and crossing into other worlds… or dimensions if you will. It's also our first good look at the starter pack that we can get for LEGO Dimensions that will allow us to play these guys in the game. Yes it looks like we are going to be getting only Shaggy, Scooby-Doo, The Mystery Machine, and one of their giant sandwiches to play in LEGO Dimensions. How does one play a sandwich? I've seen Al Bundy do it before but… wait, never mind. There is a whole game about being bread so playing a sandwich in LEGO Dimensions isn't too out there anymore.
LEGO Dimensions — Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
Seeing how the Ghostbusters world and the Scooby-Doo world will be meeting up at some point has me all tickled pink for LEGO Dimensions. It's like those tow should have been completely married from the start and it looks like TT Games is showing us all again why that would be a great idea. At least that is how I'm going to look at this in LEGO Dimensions because we all know that on their own the not-so-dynamic-duo here should always be running away with the Scooby-Snack; not saving the multiverse. None the less, I am ready for the laughs and the fun with Scooby and the gang for LEGO Dimensions. Now we wait for TMNT to make their way in too…
How do you feel about seeing Scooby-Doo in action with LEGO Dimensions? Do you think LEGO Batman will beat them down at some point or will they accidentally go back in time to when dinosaurs really walked the earth? What other characters are you excited to see in action with LEGO Dimensions? Let us know down in the comments and let the discussion begin. LEGO Dimensions doesn't launch until September 27th and I am sure Warner Bros. will try to keep it going with loads of new expansions so be sure to keep checking back here for more on LEGO Dimensions as we lead into the release date and then beyond. Serious; come on TMNT to join in.