Looks what seems to have been unearthed here. It looks like we have a story trailer for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection for those who may not have played any of the Uncharted titles before and want a crash course. It could also before any of those fans out there who are looking to pick up Bluepoint Games' version of the Uncharted franchise on the PS4 and want to have a quick refresher before it launches. Although as it will be hitting the PS4 on October 9th here it would seem like you have plenty of time to replay the original versions of Uncharted before the big, bulky version that is the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection lands.
When you think about that though; why would anyone want to get the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection when they could just hop on their good old PS3 and play the games to get ready for Uncharted 4? That is a good question and we now have a few answers in the way of what else Bluepoint Games is adding into the collection to entice us all back for the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. I mean outside of being able to natively playing the Uncharted titles on the PS4 as well as having all of the visuals improved upon just for the next gen system that can handle all of that.
Well, it looks like outside of the new photo mode and graphical improvements for the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection we are getting three new modes to play each of the game in. All of which are apparently coming with their own set of trophies too so we can look forward to all kinds of hunting with the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. This also includes a mode that is harder than Crushing for each of the games in the collection. I guess this will definitely keep us eyeball deep in Uncharted until Uncharted 4 finally comes to market. Have a look at the new modes just for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection from Bluepoint Games.
- Explorer Mode is an all-new mode for beginners where combat difficulty is reduced greatly.
- Speed Run Mode adds a timer that allows players to track their gameplay time against their friends as they play sections of the game.
- Brutal Difficulty Mode is the ultimate challenge as the gameplay will be more punishing than Crushing Difficulty (unlocked after beating Crushing Difficulty in the same game).
To me these new modes really read as an extra easy and extra hard mode for all of the games in the Nathan Drake Collection and one more that just displays and allows you to share your playtime. There could be more to it all than that but that is how it all reads to me. Kind of weird that Bluepoint Games would focus on that and not the fact that we will be able to play all of the Uncharted titles using all of the skins that Naughty Dog has crafted over the years. This includes the famous Doughnut Drake skin that was all the rage back in the day. That is 65+ skins outside of that one for the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. Awesome!
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection — Story Trailer
What do you think of the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection now? Much more than just an HD upgrade for all of those titles there or do you still see this as nothing more than a cash grab for Bluepoint Games? Do you think that all of the Uncharted will feel different when you play as other skinned characters in the game? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. Hopefully this will not be the last of the updates for the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection but who knows. None the less we will have all the updates here so be sure to check in and check in often for all things Uncharted.