Here we go with even more gameplay and characters for Overwatch here to gawk at. Not only is it more gameplay for the game but it is also a good look at the 'non-female-stereotype' female-stereotype character that everyone praised Blizzard for when she was first announced. I am talking about Zarya the heavy Russian combatant that pretty much looks and plays like every other heavy Russian stereotypical female character in video games. But hey, Overwatch is made by a studio with such a following that no one will care about that and just spin it up on the PC to enjoy for decades as it is another new IP of theirs in the end.
This is about the point where I would get a little quipping and excited over the new character looks here for Overwatch but, and I think it is funny here, I am seeing Overwatch to be less and less of a new IP and more along the lines of every other generic arena shooter out there. The only difference being that the characters have the look and personalities that Blizzard usually gets set up for their games. I had really high hopes but with these three characters I am finding little to no difference in gameplay to make Overwatch stand out besides the developer's name and reputation. Hopefully this changes as we move away from the alpha footage but I wouldn't hold our breaths.
If you don't believe me then sit back and have a look at the three new character videos for Overwatch. They are a bit lengthy so I'll sit back and wait for you to join me again. Enjoy.
Overwatch — Widowmaker Gameplay
Overwatch — Bastion Gameplay
Overwatch — Zarya Gameplay
So there you have it. Three more characters for Overwatch that have been announced and not shown in action until now. What do you think? Do you agree with me or do you think Blizzard has something here that is truly different and I am just jaded to the arena shooter genre? Let me know down in the comments. I am also pretty sure that we have a few more characters to see and more gameplay for Overwatch to have so keep it locked in here for all of that. Who knows? I may see something in the near future that sways me back to my original excitement for Overwatch