It's only been three months since we saw the last episode of Tales From The Borderlands so it is about time for the next one to hit right? Of course it is. Telltale wouldn't want us to forget about their take on Gearbox's franchise would they? So what if we have had a few more episodes of Game Of Thrones in between each for Tales From The Borderlands so far? Just know that we are going to be getting the third episode shortly after E3 this year. The week of June 23rd for all of the platforms that we have been slowly enjoying Tales From The Borderlands on. I'm not going to list them as it is usually a daunting task.
While the only official date for the new episode for Tales From The Borderlands is June 23rd I think it is safe to bet that they will follow the normal structure. Meaning Steam, PS4 (NA), PS3 (NA), and PS Vita (NA) will get the episode on June 23rd as the stores update. Then followed by the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 (EU), PS3 (EU), and PS Vita (EU) on June 24th. Then lastly Tales From The Borderlands' new episode will show up on the Android and iOS systems on June 25th. It's not like the platform's stores will be changing their update days and time…unless that is an E3 announcement of some sorts. Doubtful though.
As I mentioned above, we also have a few new screen shots for this episode of Tales From The Borderlands to pick on through. It looks like it is going to be a Loaderbot heavy episode if these screens are anything to talk about here. As well as we get to see Vallory in her full glory in the world. Not to mention a weird team up for Fiona and Athena. At least that is how it looks here for Tales From The Borderlands and things are never what we think they are here. None the less, have fun looking at them and expect to have an official trailer for this episode of Tales From The Borderlands in short order as things usually are here for Telltale.
So what do you think is in store for our unlikely heroes in this episode of Tales From The Borderlands? Are all of these red herrings to throw us off or are we going to see some odd team ups in the story? It is an interesting tale that is being told after all. I just wish we didn't have to wait so damned long between each episode of the game. Do you feel me? Let me know down in the comments. Also keep it here for more on Tales From The Borderlands' third episode as we get more details and an official trailer for it. You know it is coming…