We are well into the E3 trailer season right now and next up happens to be a game I have been keeping a close eye on: SOMA. I've mentioned it many times before but for you newbies here this is the net sci-fi horror game from Frictional Games. It looked like another BioShock style game when first announced but SOMA has evolved, or at least the trailers have evolved, to show us something unique and not another plain knock off. As I said you can have a look at the trailer below to see what I am talking about but do make sure to stay all the way to the end of the weirdness as we also get the SOMA release date for PS4 and PC/Steam.
For those who cannot wait for the trailer or the end of it, SOMA will be releasing on September 22nd for the aforementioned platforms. Perfect time if you ask me as it is right before the month of horror and will be able to pick up steam, pun intended, as we move into all of the other big names that will be coming out for horror month there. Although I have a sneaking feeling that SOMA won't need the headway there and if the visuals and gameplay thus far are any indication we may have another huge hit for Frictional here. Time will tell on that though but we won't have to wait too long to see how SOMA fares.
SOMA — E3 2015 Trailer
With any luck I will be able to get some good hands on with SOMA next week as it will be playable on the show floor at E3 and I am all about getting my hands on with games I am interested in. I know I have a few more questions that I am sure the developers won't be able to answer about SOMA but I'm going to do my damnedest. It looks like it is blending the studio's past with other great ideas other titles had but couldn't expand upon with just their one game. I sure hope that we get another product that delivers just as the well cut trailers for SOMA have thus far.
All of that said and done, do you have any new thoughts on SOMA you wish to share? Do you have any developer questions you would like asked at E3 about the game? Do you just want to chat in general? Either way, let's all head to the comments and give our eyes a snack. Be sure to keep everything tuned in here as we will be bringing you all of the SOMA news and updates we can and you won't want to miss out on a thing. Especially since the release date is not that far off here.