If you were sitting around wondering if we could cram one more LEGO video game in this year then let me answer that with yes and it is LEGO Marvel's Avengers. Don't let the title fool you here though as it isn't just a LEGO version of the first Avengers film but LEGO Marvel's Avengers is a combination of both of the Avengers films in one. A lot like LEGO Jurassic World and being a combination of all four of the films in the franchise. None the less it looks like TT Games has either mastered the craft to churn out LEGO games or they have been breaking themselves like crazy to get all of these titles, LEGO Marvel's Avengers included, out in 2015.
As of right now this seems to be all of the information for LEGO Marvel's Avengers but I am sure we will have more as we head into E3. I mean they make all of these games for this year so you'd like to think that TT Games and Warner Bros. will be having a LEGO extravaganza out there in L.A. next week. Even if LEGO Marvel's Avengers seems to be missing the mark on working with the synergy of the film franchise here. Winter most likely means holiday season so maybe the Blu-ray or DvD for Age Of Ultron will be landing alongside the planned release for LEGO Marvel's Avengers but it still feels like it is a bit late to the game. At least it isn't another DC game I guess.
For now LEGO Marvel's Avengers is slated to release on PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS, and PC. You can have a look at the first trailer for the game just below where you are looking. Maybe they should have focused on the Ultron aspect for LEGO Marvel's Avengers instead of the Loki fights. Maybe that is just me though.
LEGO Marvel's Avengers — First Trailer
You've now seen LEGO Marvel's Avengers so what do you think here? Do you agree with there being too many LEGO titles coming out here or do you want more? Would you have rather waited for LEGO Marvel's Avengers to launch alongside the Infinity Wars films so that it could bundle all four films into one epic game? Let us have your thoughts on all of this down in the comments. Hopefully we will be able to see LEGO Marvel's Avengers at E3 but do know that we will be bringing you more as the information flows so keep your homepage set right here.