Surprisingly it has been over a year since last we saw anything solid in terms of gameplay for SOMA. Back then I was captivated with what Frictional Games was working on to creep us all out or make us question "what the hells is going?" Then nothing. Or at least very little so SOMA kind of fell into the back of my brain as we all needed to move on. Well now it's back in the limelight and we have new gameplay video and a release date for the PS4 and PC. Such a great way to come back and get us all interested back in what SOMA will be.
Of course we are going to start with the new fact that SOMA will be launching on September 22nd. Like I said it is odd to go from nothing to "here's a release date" but I will take it. Of course when it is also followed up with some very dark and creep gameplay to show off what we will be experiencing in SOMA. Not only a short little minute or two of gameplay but a whole twelve minutes of gameplay to have a look at. Or what a lovely day it is for horror first person games it is today.
Before you dig into the new gameplay trailer for SOMA it is worth noting these things. First, this is about an hour into the core game. Second, the main character does not have amnesia but is just as confused with what is going on in SOMA as we are. Lastly, this is only a small sample of the level as it does end in one way there is a whole bunch of other things to look at and experience. So this isn't the end all be all for the level in SOMA is the gist of it all. I'll shut up and let you see the new footage for SOMA and try to figure things out for myself.
SOMA — Gameplay Trailer
I'm trying not to pass judgment on SOMA just yet but this level feels almost like something right out of Alien Isolation. Maybe it is just because I have played that recently and most desolate space stations kind of feel the same but this gameplay for SOMA had me reliving those small sections from the other title. I am not saying that Frictional lifted anything but it feels a little too close for me. I guess I should just ignore that and focus on the possible AI thing going on with the robots and the kill bot dodging we will need to do. It just has a lot of feeling even with the stalking monster.
I've said my piece though so now you can say yours. How do you feel about SOMA after seeing it in action here? Do you agree with my perception or did you see something else? Do you care and just want another fun sneaky stealth game to play? Let us all know what is going on in your head down in the comments so we can try to work it out together. Also keep coming back to check in for all things SOMA here as I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a whole lot more in the coming months leading to the September 22nd release date.