If you were one of those gamers out there complaining at the length of The Order 1886 then you have a new option to try and extend out the fun of the game just a bit longer. In the most recent patch for The Order 1886 Ready At Dawn has added in that Photo Mode that is all the rage in our PS4 games as of late. At first glance it looks like it is the run of the mill extra feature. The only difference is that due to how the game was developed this new mode adds in something that has yet to be done in any other title with a photo mode. You can play through The Order 1886 using the filters and adjustments you used in your photo from start to finish.
This of course is achieved through the fact that The Order 1886 is all rendered on the fly and there are no pre-rendered sequences. So yes, you can play through The Order 1886 using a black and white filter with high grain if you so choose. Maybe it will add that extra level of difficulty that is wanted to keep The Order 1886 going on for a few more hours of play. At least if you are that kind of gamer who wants to get the full use out of their software no matter how different the alterations and differences can be. Did we not all play through God Of War as the Cod of War just to say we did it?
The Order 1886 — Photo Mode Trailer
In general I wasn't too excited for Photo Mode to head to The Order 1886. It is usually a nice feature to have but nothing that feels like it is worth playing through a game again just for some cool shots. The addition of being able to keep the filters through the whole game is rather interesting to me and I think I just may have to give The Order 1886 another play. Maybe I'll do it here with the Negative filter on and see how crazy the game will be when playing like that. I'm guessing near impossible at certain points. Bring it on!
How do you think you will be using The Order 1886's new photo mode? Do you even care? Is this a nice little feature that is a day late and dollar short? Let us know down in the comments