With a game like Sunset Overdrive everything can be treated like an April Fool's joke as that is just kind of how the game is. It is the flare that Insomniac Games was going for and they achieved it. Thankfully we have some new DLC for Sunset Overdrive that is anything but an April Fool's day joke even though the title will make you question the validity of that claim. The title being Dawn Of The Rise Of The Fallen Machines. Pretty much a play on all of those rise and fall apocalypse films that have been all the rage over the last few years. At least that is my assumption on things here for Sunset Overdrive.
What comes with the new Sunset Overdrive DLC is a bit of new story, some more weapons, traps, amps, enemies, clothing, gameplay mechanics, and a whole new area to explore. Not only that but a whole new Achievement for all of you hunters out there looking to pad an extra 200 Gamerscore on to the end of your Sunset Overdrive score already. More on how you can unlock that is further down the page here but before that you can have a look at what Sunset Overdrive will have via a new trailer for the game.
Sunset Overdrive — Dawn Of The Rise Of The Fallen Machines
New Achievement
As an added bonus, we’re celebrating April Fools’ Day the only way Fizzie would – with the release of new achievements for ALL players. The “Worst Job in the Kingdom” achievement is unlocked by replaying and completing the “Floating Garbage” mission within par time (15 minutes) for a whopping 200 Gamerscore! There’s also the “Fizzie Says April Fools!” achievement. Complete them, and see what happens. Let the pranks begin!
Of course all of this is available via the Sunset Overdrive Season Pass or by itself if you didn't want to shell out for that back when the game launched. The Achievement will be available for all as the game gets patched so you can still get that Gamerscore addition if you don't want to spend any extra money on Sunset Overdrive. Happy April Fool's day to you there I guess. That is a saying for when something good happens today correct? I'm saying so as of now. So there…
How excited are you to have yet more reasons to play Sunset Overdrive today? Not only is it all fitting for the day but there are some great extras I guess. Let us know all your thoughts down in the comments you crazy mutants. Or non-mutants. We want to hear from all of you out there.