We've heard more of the story for Bloodborne and that there is some craziness going on in the city the game takes place in. Now to continue with the hype train for Bloodborne From Software has given us all a look at some of the monsters and mini-bosses we will be facing when we spin Bloodborne up on the PS4 next month. Some look completely new and others look like something pulled right from The Princess Bride. Damn I am dating myself again aren't I? None the less there is a non-narrated video for us to watch that shows off all the blood and gore we will be shedding from these monsters.
Have a look at the new video for Bloodborne and then I will share a few more thoughts on the game. It really does need to be seen first…
Bloodborne — Monsters & Mini-Bosses
This has been one of my issues with Bloodborne from day one back at E3 so long ago. Why, oh why, do all of the enemies have a crazy choreographed attack that no one seems to want to try and dodge? Even when they are just hiding around the corner from the hunters waiting to lunge like one of those carnies in a fun house. Why is it so hard to dodge these things when you can honestly see it coming from across the game's screen? How is this going to be fun? Someone please tell me as I am still lost.
Bloodborne has a lot going for it in the visuals, theme, and setting departments but I just don't get the gameplay. It looks easy to master as long as you are not willing to take risks. Hells, when I demoed it before the only reason I died was I got bored of waiting to strike back and just went in swinging. Is Bloodborne more a test of patience? If that was the true end goal then I completely applaud From Software as that is a game no one will ever be able to beat. Bloodborne doesn't fully seem that way though so I think that just may not be anywhere near the truth.
Either way we just got a good look at the cool monster ideas for Bloodborne. Gods they are knocking out of the park there. Don't you think? Let us all know down in the comments.