Even with the rumors that The Order 1886 is only five hours long that is not going to stop Read At Dawn from showing us all how much the game is going to offer us in the ways of entertainment. That is really what we should be focused on as even if you can beat The Order 1886 in about five hours if you want to play the game twelve times then you can rack up all of that time and get your enjoyment time. That should be the better focus here as the PS4 release for The Order 1886 looms so close with the 20th only a few days away now. Of course we only need that reminder to fill a bit of space before we move on to the bulk of what we have here.
So what do we have here for The Order 1886? Well it is another behind the scenes video from Ready At Dawn to focus in on the individual knights we are going to be getting to know over our play experience with The Order 1886. All of the usual information as is with any character behind the scenes video. They detail out a bit of the character's history, personality, and how they will react in the game during the scripted sequences. Why would we have looked for more as that would have given away too much of The Order 1886 and let's face it, so much has already been given out to the internet to the point where we could watch the whole game without paying or playing.
Have a look at the cast of The Order 1886.
The Order 1886 — Meet The Cast
Is it just me or do all of the male roles here sound like "grizzled-seen-a-lot-of-war-and-knows-humanity-better-for-that" kind of characters in The Order 1886? Even the "lighthearted" one is described as living through two wars and "seen the worst." Then you have the female who is supposed to be a strong female role but still pointing at her needing the "grizzled males" as she is the newest to the team. Maybe they just had issues with their script when describing the characters here because it sounds like The Order 1886 has two characters with just different skins and voices. At least if this was the only form of reference for The Order 1886 and its characters that is how I would take it.
None the less it is a fun watch and really doesn't do much in the ways of promoting The Order 1886 outside of coming out during the launch week. I'm still interested in giving the whole game a go as long as I can forget all of the hype. I think that is going to be something that can kill The Order 1886 in the long run. What say you though? Let us all know down below.