If there has been one thing that has impressed me for Bloodborne it has to be the setting and environment for the game. I am a sucker for creepy, Gothic settings and there is no doubt that From Software is bringing the 'A' game for Bloodborne in that aspect. Even when I have had shoddy hands-on experiences with the game this has been one thing that has kept me wandering around and searching every nook and cranny of the levels so I can get the full appreciation for Bloodborne.
If you have yet to experience anything for Bloodborne outside of the previous trailers and gameplay videos then rest assured that just below we have a nice showcasing for all of the environments and world I've been gabbing on about. It does come from one of the outlets that are used more for promotion than hard journalism but that doesn't change the fact that we have another look at the world of Bloodborne. Have a look at the new "trailer" for the game now and awe in the wonder.
Bloodborne — Gorgeous, Gothic Environments
It does make me sad that Bloodborne is going to be a rough game to play for a lot of people out there; myself included. I hate games that are hard just to be hard and not because it adds to any overall joy or sense of accomplishment and Bloodborne felt this way every time I have played it. That damned world though is going to suck me in and I know it. Even the above look at the world has me trying to ignore the crazy gameplay just so I can have fun and experience the game from start to finish. I hate being torn.
What did you think of what you just saw for Bloodborne? Did it make you want the game sooner or was it not your cup of tea? Let us all know down below.