Apparently Vergil's Bloody Palace was one of the biggest requests that fans of DmC had for the DmC: Definitive Edition. Ninja Theory heard that request and it is in the game. This is not a huge secret as it was listed in the additions for the DmC: Definitive Edition coming to the Xbox One and PS4 on March 10th. There were just very few details if it was going to be more than just another character playing through the same mode that was already in the game to start with.
We can wonder no more as details for Vergil's Bloody Palace have been revealed on the PlayStation Blog and it is going to be something "new" for DmC: Definitive Edition. At least new in the terms of how this 60-floor combat arena will play out differently than the already established Dante's Blood Palace feature from DmC. Vergil's Bloody Palace differs in the fact that we will start the first 20 waves on Nephilim difficulty, followed by the next 20 on Son Of Sparda, all to wrap up the new mode with lest 20 on Vergil Must Die difficulty.
So it is more than just a skin and movement change for this mode in DmC: Definitive Edition but it is pretty much the same thing. Although if memory serves it sounds like this mode will be insanely difficult to master but hey, who wants an easy game with no challenge? Certainly not any of us. Now we just have to wait another month for the DmC: Definitive Edition to land. Until then we have a bit more gameplay below all for the new Vergil's Bloody Palace mode in the game. Watch it and enjoy.
DmC: Definitive Edition — Vergil's Bloody Palace