If you are looking to have your own special snowflake when it comes to Bloodborne it looks like you are going to be in luck. From Software has added in a whole mess of options into the game to customize your character however you want and they were so nice to give an exclusive look of all of that. At least an exclusive look for all of that to IGN so they could take us all through a quick minute version of all of the option Bloodborne will have to make you all nice and special. Hopefully so you don't look like any other character when you finally log in with you PS4 and play the game.
To be honest, even though I am sure you will see it soon, none of the options look like they are going to be all that robust for Bloodborne. I know we aren't going to be talking on a level of customization where you will have the hardcore horror fans standing out against those who want to make their Bloodborne hunter look absolutely ridiculous but it doesn't look like there is going to be all that much. Even the two sample characters end up looking a bit the same when all is said and done with the sliders and random items to adorn your character's body. Maybe I am still just missing something for Bloodborne.
Bloodborne — Vast Character Creator
If that wasn't enough for you, in terms of new gameplay footage for Bloodborne, we also have a nice exclusive look at the first 18 minutes of Bloodborne. Well, again, at least IGN had a nice little look at it all as they are the best "paid media" outlet out there right now. You can have a look at the 18 minutes they were able to play just below and then you can get just as hyped as they want you to. Sony and From Software do need the money after all. That is why Bloodborne is being made isn't it? No? It's supposed to be for the players? Got it. Have a look none the less.
Bloodborne — First 18 Minutes Of Gameplay
Were you impressed with what you just saw for Bloodborne? Are you still hyped for the game? Let us know in the comments below and we'll pass them along to the other "paid media" in hopes to make box covers.