I have been impressed with what I have seen for Battlefield Hardline up until now. It really looks like a next gen title as well as a welcomed, at least by me, deviation from the standard warfare title that Battlefield has almost always been. Of course we have Visceral Games to thank for that as they are the ones finally helming a full version of a Battlefield title with Battlefield Hardline and not some DLC add-on. The better question though is what have they done to get the game to where it is right now. You know you've always pondered that…
Well ponder no more as the first developer diary for Battlefield Hardline has been released from EA to help us all understand the hows and whys of Visceral when it came to the development. You can of course see said video just a bit lower down the screen here. What kind of jerk would I be if I said "Hey, there is a new video for Battlefield Hardline but I am only going to describe it for you and you can try to have the same brain picture as myself."? A huge jerk would be the answer.
No get all Snuggied up and get ready to see all the intense focus group Q/A that happened for Battlefield Hardline as well as the trial and error testing to make sure recoil was even across all guns. There will be on screen explosions with little excitement as nothing really blows up. There will also be sexy, low-res placeholder art for Battlefield Hardline to compare things to. I think I've hyped it up enough now so go and watch what you can for Battlefield Hardline as we wait for the next beta. A beta that is rumored to be coming as soon as February 3rd.
Battlefield Hardline — Developer Diary Episode 1 – Taking On Battlefield