We can all sit pretty now that we now that The Order: 1886 has gone gold and it will take something major to make us have to wait any longer for the game. We are almost a month out now from The Order: 1886 hitting the PS4 now and it still seem like we are a ways off so hopefully that won't happen and we won't have to wait longer. That also means that we still have time to pre-order the game as well without the same worry so if you haven't already and The Order: 1886 is on your waiting list you can still get the hook up.
In fact if you fall into the above for the pre-orders it looks like Ready At Dawn has given us a new trailer for The Order: 1886 to show off accolades from fans as well as all that pre-order DLC for the game. This includes both The Knight's Arsenal Pack and The Knight's Endurance Pack. The second being and exclusive to GameStop though so take that into account when shopping around for where you want to pick up The Order: 1886 when February 20th finally comes around.
You can see a bit of the DLC for The Order: 1886 in action in the below trailer although it is only The Arsonist Pack and The Red Lightning Pack from the The Knight's Arsenal Pack that gets the real headline here. Have a look for yourself.
The Order: 1886 — Player Reactions & Pre-Order DLC
You know what I hate about DLC and that goes here for The Order: 1886? When DLC doesn't add to the game but makes it easier. The Knight's Endurance Pack definitely falls into that category as it allows you to have unlimited health and "super vision" for the price of picking the game up at GameStop. Of course this is all a personal preference but I am just not a fan of being able to cheat to make a game easier. Having different character skins and weapon colors feels like and add-on just not being able to never die in a game. No shame if that is your bag though. Oh wait, yes there should be shame because you are not going to be playing the proper version of The Order: 1886.
Go ahead and pre-order where you want though. You have most of the details for The Order: 1886 and the DLC packs now. I'm going back to counting the days until I can play the real version of The Order: 1886 and not the spoiled version the GameStop DLC will be giving people who want to throw their money there.