Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell are coming next week and it is time to get ready for the dick kicking. With SRIV making its next gen debut on the PS4 and Xbox One and Gat Out Of Hell hitting every platform the its technical prequel has launched on. That being SR4 for those who can't keep up with me or the madness that Volition and Deep Silver has in-store for us all. You have until the 20th/23rd to catch up if you haven't yet or you may be kicked in the nuts just as many times as the characters in the below launch trailer for both titles.
Yes, we have two titles coming out on the same day from the same dev/publisher combo so now we get a two for one launch trailer for both Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell. Look at all of the pretty colors and extra polygons that we should be expecting in the next gen version of games. Have a look before you catch 31 fevers…
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat Out Of Hell — Launch Trailer
While the graphics for Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell may not look as photo-realistic we cannot deny that both will be giving all fans of the franchise and of senseless fun what they want. That of course being having a load of senseless fun wrapped up in a nice warm ball of humor and kitten death. That is of course if kitten death is your bag baby. If you are here then it most likely is so you'll be in good company.
Now all we have to do is sit and wait for Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell to launch next week so all who missed out on the last gen version of the game can catch up and then all can enjoy the sequel in Hell.