We have a new trailer of sorts for The Order 1886 from Ready At Dawn. Well more or those marketing kind of trailers as there is no definition of if this is just a cool and creepy little promo for The Order 1886 or if we are getting a glimpse at the character in the story who may grow up to be the main antagonist. This character being names Little Bobby Paige if you have yet to catch on from the title and looking down at the video just a few inches down. Like I said though, there still is no word on if Bobby is just there to remind us The Order 1886 launches on the PS4 next month or if we are getting story.
Have a nice look at the latest for The Order 1886 before we move on to what it could mean for the game and story. It's nice, short, to the point, and just below this line.
The Order 1886 — Little Bobby Paige
It looks a lot more like Limbo than The Order 1886 but that is all based on the animation style and not being an in-game cut scene so… If this is an actual addition to The Order 1886's story we have so far we may have just seen the main plague for the heroes and heroines of the story with Bobby Paige. Kid that is bit by a werewolf and then wants to take his anger out on the world of The Order 1886. Or at least London given the fact that the whole story is supposed to be set there.
This also could have been a look at how one of the antagonists of The Order 1886 operate as well. That would mean that Bobby Paige could just be a random causality of the war and nothing more. Although if that is the case I'm sure that during the core gameplay of The Order 1886 we may run into a named character named Bobby to link things together. That would be a fun Easter Egg in the game. It really could be anything at this point but at least we have been reminded that The Order 1886 is coming on February 20th again.
What do think this all means for The Order 1886? Is this a fun way of giving a bit more back story on who we will be killing during the game? Could this be just another marketing video? Would there really be a huge impact for us all if we found out that one of the boss fights in The Order 1886 was based around some poor kid who was bitten and then murdered his own family? Throw your own thoughts on all of this below.