Hopefully this will be the last of the slow weeks for video games here. At least in the news side of things. We do have CES rolling out here in under a week so we may get to see some of the great new gadgets, audio devices, and video displays that will impress us when we get to play Mortal Kombat X and The Witcher 3 later this year. We'll be all over that next week for your reading and hopefully viewing pleasure. Until then, let us focus on those video games that we can look at now. Or at least read about now.
If there is one thing we can take away from this new year for video games, at least based on what was piped out there, Sony and PlayStation are really going to take care of their fans and customers. Also there is going to be a non-stop flow of zombies in video games as Resident Evil and Dying Light are all ready to go here in a few short weeks. Not to mention H1Z1 in just under two weeks now. At least for those PC gamers out there. Just hopefully we get more new IPs as well as well-deserved sequels to amazing franchises so we can cover them all as we do each week.
Now in the interest of keeping it short and sweet I'll let you go to read everything we had this week in video games. Be ready to be bombarded next week with CES and moving forward. Happy gaming all!
- How To Get Stuck In An Elevator In The Talos Principle
- Resident Evil Zero HD REmaster Could Be In The Pipes
- Looks Like There Is Less Hatred For Hatred Than We Thought
- Here's The First Bit Of PlayStation Plus Content For 2015
- Could Final Fantasy XV Have Online Components?
- Time To Look At Those The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Steelbook Covers
- Looks Like That PlanetSide 2 Beta Is Going Live Soon
- Oh The BioShock Film That Could Have Been…
- This Is What The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta Looks Like
- Kung Lao Confirmed For Mortal Kombat X Now
- New Year And New Things To Do In Dying Light
- Sony Is Trying To Make Up For That PlayStation Outage
- Play As Hideo Kojima In Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
- Project Scissors Gets Its First Live Action Teaser Trailer