If you didn't already have a huge backlog of titles or any new games to play over the coming days then let Sunset Overdrive add a bit more DLC to itself to keep you entertained. In fact, it is some of the first Story DLC to be added from Insomniac Games and it can be downloaded to your Xbox One as you are reading this text. Of course that does mean you also have to have Sunset Overdrive for the system already but that should be a given. If you don't already then hopefully you'll be lucky enough to find Sunset Overdrive under your tree so you can get this new DLC a bit later.
The Sunset Overdrive is titled Mystery Of The Mooil Rig. It pits you, the player controlling the protagonist, in the middle of a violent turf war between Oil Rig Unions, mutants, and trying to figure out what truly set off the distress signal that caught the attentions of everyone still not mutated in Sunset City. That and most likely more ways to die horribly by tentacles. Given how Sunset Overdrive has been shown to date I would put it past the "death by rape" aspect when it comes to tentacles but that is purely speculation with no real grounding.
Mystery Of The Mooil Rig also adds in new weapons, Amps, Traps, Quests, Challenges, Night Defense Bases, and Chaos Squad Missions to Sunset Overdrive if story isn't your only thing. We could go even deeper into all of this but why not just give the Sunset Overdrive experience your money and time? I'm fairly certain you won't be let down with a single bit.
Sunset Overdrive — Mystery Of The Mooil Rig DLC Trailer