Just as too be assumed like every year the news slows down for all video games leaving us to scrounge up fun things like the latest Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell behind the scenes video. It's Christmas-y right? It's all Christian in some way? Of course it is. That and since everything shuts down because of those religious holidays we should feel lucky that Deep Silver and Volition have kept giving us the content that we all want to see. Anything related to video games and Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell. If only it was playable over the holiday shut down of the world…
Enough of that for now. We have some amazing voice acting to watch for Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell so we can truly understand and celebrate those who could truly phone things in but don't. That would of course be the voice actors who show up, care about the industry, and give it their all like you will see in the following video. We may not all be as shocked as the sound director when he hears the demon voices for the first time recorded live but it is fun to see it all in motion. It would be better to play it in motion right now but again heading back to where I left in the thought stream.
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell — Behind The Scenes
More excited for Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell? If you weren't before I am going to go on a limb and say most likely not just from the above video. Unless you are a design geek like myself who want to see how every aspect of our medium is made all this did for you was give you a look at a few little bits you'll get to hear next year. Rhyming not intended. I enjoyed the look at Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell of course because, well, I enjoy seeing how our games are made. As if you couldn't have guessed that all by now. I just needed something to drag out during the dead week that is known as the Christmas holiday for now…