If there has been one game that has had a rough go with its marketing as of late it is Battlefield Hardline. Not that the PR teams over at EA and Visceral Games are not doing a good jobs. All of the real world events that are going on well after Battlefield Hardline was designed and even into a beta experience are making it harder and harder to be "sensitive" to everything and everyone. I applaud the whole team for rolling with the punches as well as they can in a world where virtual cops and robbers is no longer a P.C. thing to bring up.
None the less, we have our first look at the single player story mode for Battlefield Hardline. Well more the story and less of the gameplay as we've hand plenty of that in the past months and I'm sure we'll have more in the coming. I just remember all of the whiny pussies at the PlayStation Experience being upset about the cop's actions in the game and how they translate to the real world. Almost like they didn't know the design had to have been done at least a year before any of this all took place. But I'm moving back there and away from the video game.
I find it kind of funny and awesome that it looks like Battlefield Hardline is going to be taking more of a Cops aspect, at least to start, with the story of the game. You can see that better in the following trailer but I know that it deviates away later on. At least it does based on the gameplay that I've seen from later in the game and not based on the scenes that have been shown time and time again in the following trailer for Battlefield Hardline.
Battlefield Hardline — Single Player Story Trailer
I really hope that Battlefield Hardline is able to move away from all of the negative press it is getting based on something that the developers and publisher have nothing to do with. Hells, video games don't even have anything to with it all yet the real world shit is affecting it. I just hope most of you are able to see past all of that and see Battlefield Hardline for the amazing game it is going to be once it finally launches next year.