So everyone seems to be announcing everything just before E3 or, in the case of Quantum Break, telling us that there will be nothing new until a later date. In the case of Quantum Break that would happen to be Gamescom in August this year. Not too far off but for us State-side that means that most of us will have to be remote to see what Remedy has up their sleeves for us for the game.
On the plus side we do have a bit of a tease for what will be shown off for Quantum Break in August. While not overly substantial it is considerably more than we received for the next Hitman title. In fact it is a bit of the actual gameplay for Quantum Break with a few still shots of said gameplay to look deeper into. Of course all of this is presented in the standard high quality that we have learned to love from Remedy Entertainment.
If this isn't enough to keep us sated until the big showing of Quantum Break we have also received a release window of sorts for the game too. Sometime in 2015. Your guess as to month and day are completely up in the air but at least it isn't hit with a 2016 year. With what I have seen thus far I think pushing off the purchase of a Xbox One for another year and a half might be a bit far. You can read that as Quantum Break looks like the console seller for me.
Here is what we have to work with until August. Hope it helps with the sting of the longer wait.